How do you social distance at a camp? Great question! We prefer to call it physical distancing rather than social distancing because the heart of camp is bonding with other campers. We know that physical distancing does not have to lead to emotional distancing.
Each cabin was a cohort. The campers were masked while at indoor activities and any time that they were in groups with campers who were outside their cohort. It is still possible to see smiling faces behind masks! The emphasis this year was on outdoor activities as much as possible to maintain camper safety. Morning and evening activities were done by cabin including pool time, arts and crafts, archery, the climbing wall, and the Gaga pit. Favorite camp activities were adapted to be COVID friendly. Our admin staff flexed their creativity muscles to invent new COVID safe versions of camper favorites including Casino Night, Talent Show, Guinness Book of Camp Records, and Hollywood Premiere Night. Even the evening taps were performed pandemic style at the end of each day. Instead of linking hands, our campers fist bumped. Rather than gathering the entire camp together, the campers performed taps by cabin. It was extremely emotional to see our camp traditions continuing despite dealing with the obstacles that COVID threw at us.